Monday, May 11, 2009

The Perfect Day from "A to Z"

8:15 am: Luke woke up an HOUR later than usual (I think he heard me talking to my mother-in-law the other day about how the only thing I want for my very first Mother's Day was to sleep in... :))

Had such a wonderful lazy morning...then started the most perfect day my husband had planned.

12:00pm: Went to brunch at Z-Tejas at Scottsdale Fashion Square with some of my favorite margs
1:30pm: Spent the rest of the afternoon shopping with my boys, which usually I am an alone shopper, but they were both wonderful. Hubby said I could have anything I wanted (it was unbelieveable, I didn't have to go straight for the sale rack) I decided to go to my fave store, and buy this dress that I have literally tried on 6 different times!!! It is amazing.

5:30pm (that's right...we were gone ALL day, and my boys were BOTH wonderful): We headed home, gave my precious baby a bath, put him to bed, had a glass of wine, cuddled, and relaxed.

10:00PM (as I drinfted off to sleep) "You were speaking my love language today, Mr. Ryan."

Thank you. You made my lifelong dream of being a mom a reality that is far better than I could have ever imagined. For that, I am forever lovingly, thankfully, and faithfully yours.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mi Madre

I love you more than anything in the world. I am so blessed that God has given me such a wonderful example, and you have been the most fun, beautiful, and amazing mother.

I pray that I can live up to your example.

(pictured above are the magnetic chalkboards that i framed for my wonderful mother and amazing mother-in-law)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

"Well He's Just Dandy"

A fellow diner said this about Luke last night while we were eating with Andrew's Grandma at the Renaissance Retirement home. I have to say I agree with him...

Luke with his other great-grandma, Gammie (he doesn't lay like that for anyone else...)